Hello everyone I would like to give you basic programming introduction as well as some advanced stuff over the time,look on it like a course of programming that you can follow without any pressure.If you are interested in programming and have strong will you will learn it very quickly.So for introduction I will tell you little about myself.I have about 6 years of experince in programming in different programming languages such as : C/C++
,assembler,Visual Basic,C#,Java,Jscript,php.But my main passion is C# (C-sharp) programming language so this introduction guide and blog will be based on it.I will start with GUI programming from beginning because I don't like that old console applications.I will write posts as often as I can and provide detailed explanations with all the examples I post.If you miss any part you can easly go to posts archive and check it out,in my next post I will talk about
integrated development environment (IDE) where you will do all the magic
of writing your programs
.That's it for now,remember to follow blog for new posts and try searching Google for C#.